The D-10 chart of the person(Jataka) expands the tenth house of the horoscope. Through this, the karma(deeds) and career of a person can be determined. This horoscope is used to know the social status, prosperity, power, etc. of the native.
How To Make D10 Chart (Dashansh Chart)
To make the tenth horoscope, 30 ° of a zodiac is divided into 10 equal parts of 3 °, and then the tenth horoscope is formed from these parts.
1 Dashansh(10th part) = tenth of a zodiac = 30 °/10 = 3 °
Rules of Making D10 Chart (Dashansh Chart)
First of all, divide the zodiac of 30° into 10 parts. See in which dashansh planet has gone.

If the planet is situated in the odd zodiac sign, then we start counting with the same zodiac sign where the planet is posited. If the planet is situated in the even zodiac sign, then we start counting from the ninth zodiac sign in which the planet is posited.
This means that if the planet is located in Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, or Aquarius, then the counting will start with the same zodiac sign and if a planet is in Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, or Pisces, then the counting will be done from ninth from it.
Examples of making Dashansh (D-10) Chart
We will take the Cancer Ascendant horoscope to make the Dashansh Chart.

First of all, we have to find the lagna of the D-10 Chart. The horoscope is 27 ° 1 ′ Cancer ascendant which is an even sign. Therefore, we will start counting from the ninth Cancer sign. Ninth from the Cancer Sign is Pisces and from here we have to move 10 more because the lagna is in the tenth dashansh. Therefore, the tenth zodiac sign from Pisces will be Sagittarius, so the ascendant of the tenth horoscope will be Sagittarius.
Similarly, we will find the position of other planets in the D-10 Chart.
The Sun Sun is 26 ° in Pisces. Pisces is even a zodiac sign. Therefore, the counting will be from the ninth zodiac sign from Pisces. Scorpio will come ninth from Pisces. Because the Sun has gone to the ninth Dashansh, the Sun will be situated in the ninth zodiac from Scorpio. Hence the sun will be in Cancer.
The Moon is 20 ° 2 ‘in Sagittarius. Sagittarius is an odd sign. Therefore, the counting will start with Sagittarius. The moon has gone to the seventh Dashansh. seventh from Sagittarius is Gemini. Hence the moon will be in Gemini.
Mars is 7 ° 57 ‘ in Capricorn. Capricorn is even a zodiac sign. Therefore, the counting will be from the 9th sign from Capricorn. Virgo sign will come 9th from Capricorn. Because Mars has gone in the third Dashansh, Mars will be located in the third zodiac from the Virgo. Therefore, Mars will be in the Scorpio zodiac sign.
Mercury is 14 ° 23 ‘ in Pisces. Pisces is even a zodiac sign. Therefore, the counting will be from the ninth zodiac sign from Pisces. Scorpio will come ninth from Pisces. Because Mercury has gone in the fifth Dashansh, Mercury will be situated in the fifth sign from Scorpio. Therefore, Mercury will be in Pisces.
Jupiter is 13 ° 23 ‘in Aries. Aries is an odd sign. Therefore, the counting will start with Aries. Jupiter has gone to the fifth Dashansh. Hence, Jupiter will be in Leo sign.
Venus is 11 ° 41 ‘in the Taurus zodiac sign. Therefore, the counting will be from the ninth from Taurus because it is an even zodiac sign. Capricorn will be in the ninth from Taurus. Because Venus has gone to the fourth Dashansh, so Venus will be situated in the fourth zodiac from Capricorn. Hence Venus will be in Aries.
Saturn is 8 ° 51 ‘in Sagittarius. Therefore, the counting will start from Sagittarius. Saturn has gone to the third dashansh. Hence Saturn will be in the Aquarius sign.
Rahu is 28 ° 12 ‘in Aquarius. Aquarius is an odd sign. Therefore, the counting will start from from Aquarius sign. Rahu has gone to the tenth dashansh. Hence Rahu will be in Scorpio.
Ketu is 28 ° 12 ‘in Ketu Leo. Leo zodiac sign is odd sign. Therefore, the counting will start with the Leo sign. Ketu has gone to the tenth dashansh. Hence Ketu will be in Taurus.
D10 Chart Karak Graha
We know that the Karaka planets of the tenth house in the horoscope are Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn. These planets are also factors in the D10 horoscope. We can know the following things through these planets.
Sun is the lord of power, position, prestige, and authority. It also gives leadership capacity. Career is also seen in the political field by the Sun.
Mercury planet reflects the intelligence, logical power, and dialogue skills of a person. It is necessary to have a good Mercury planet to do business. Apart from this, it also shows a career in mathematics, banking, etc.
Jupiter planet is the causative planet of knowledge. It also shows a person’s ability to advise. The natives with good Jupiter can be good advisors.
Saturn is a natural factor of the tenth house. Saturn is the causative planet of all our kinds of actions and hard work.
D-10 Chart Interpretation
As we know the D10 Chart is mainly used to determine the work area of the native. The d10 chart should be used with the d1 Chart. This means that the d10 chart should be used as a supporting horoscope with the Lagna Chart. The d10 chart gives us the subject and detailed information on the karma and work field of the native. We should look at the following points while analyzing the d10 chart –
Birth chart(D1 Chart)
Ascendant and Lagnesh
Ascendant is the most important sense of any horoscope. It shows the health, life, and behavior of the native, etc. The lord of the ascendant(Lagna) is called Lagnesh. We are ourselves. To perform any task, it is necessary to strengthen the ascendant lord of the native. If the inauspicious planets have an influence on the ascendant of the native, then the person has to face suffering and struggle in life. On the weakening of ascendant lord(Lagnesh), the person reduces efforts, while powerful ascendant lord(Lagnesh) makes the native combative.
10th House(Dasham Bhava) and 10th Lord(Dashmesh)
We know that the tenth house in the horoscope of a person is Karma. The tenth house and the status of Dashmesh tell about the field of the native. We should see which planets influence the tenth house and Dashmesh.
D10 Chart(Dasamansh Chart)
Ascendant and Lagnesh
We must also see the lagna and lagna in the D10 horoscope. The ascendant of the d10 chart shows how honest the native is to his actions and field.
Dasham Bhava and Dashmesh
The tenth house of the D10 horoscope and Dashmesh give the subject detailed information about the work area of the native. According to the planets that influence the tenth house, the native’s work field is decided.