The literal meaning of the word Significator(Karaka) is – “One who does.” The karaka plays a role in performing the action. The one who completes the work assigned by someone for them, on their behalf, is also called a Karaka. Karakatva is the quality or authority that has been assigned to the karaka.
In astrology, just like the lord of a house, the planet that performs the functions of that house or gives results is called the karaka of that house.
Char Karaka-variable Significator
In the Jaimini system of astrology, we use Chara Karaka where Chara means Movable i.e. the Karaka can vary from chart to chart.
There has been a constant debate about the use of 7 or 8 karakas. In 7 karakas the Rahu is excluded but in 8 karaka method the Rahu is included and the degrees of Rahu is calculated by subtracting it from 30, as Rahu is always retrograde so the distance covered in a particular sign by Rahu is from the end of that sign.
By placing the seven planets (from Sun to Saturn) in ascending order based on degrees, the planet that crosses the maximum degrees in a zodiac sign is called Atma Karaka.
Atmakaraka is predominant among all other karaka. He is like a king. All other karaka are under the control of Atmakaraka. If the Atmakaraka is favorable then other karaka also give good results, but if the Atmakaraka itself becomes unfavorable then the other factors also do not give auspicious results.
The planet has a lesser degree than Atam Karaka is called Amatyakaraka. The one less than that is called Bharatakaraka, the one less than that is called Matrikaraka, and the one less than that is called Putrakaraka. The planet with a lesser degree than Putrakaraka is called Janatikaraka and the planet with a lesser degree than that i.e. the lowest degree is called Darakaraka.
- Atma Karaka (highest in longitude devoid of Rasis)
- Amatya Karaka (next to Atma Karaka in longitude)
- Bhratru Karaka (next to Amatya Karaka in longitude)
- Matru Karaka (next to Bhratru Karaka in longitudc)
- Putra Karaka (next to Pitru Karaka in longitude)
- Gnati Karaka (next to Pitru Karaka in longitude)
- Stree Karaka (next to Gnati Karaka in longitude)
Sthir Karaka-Fixed Significators

Sun is soul, strength, force, influence, heat, fire element, patience, king, bitterness, aggression, father, interest, knowledge, bone, majesty, digestive power, enthusiasm, forest region, eye, forest tour, bile, eye disease, body, wood, purity of mind, governance, cure of diseases, country, head diseases, baldness, red areas, hilly regions, stones, sense of performance, river bank, green gram, red sandalwood, medical science, gold, copper, use of weapons, It is the factor of medicine, overseas travel, heart, etc.
Moon is poetry, flowers, food items, gems, silver, conch, pearls, salt water, clothing, jewelry, woman, ghee, oil, sleep, intelligence, disease, laziness, phlegm, spleen, emotions, happiness, water, rice, travel. It is the planet responsible for well, diseases caused by cold, white color, autumn, mind, playfulness, happiness, mother, purity of blood, milk, etc.
Bravery, bravery, bravery, aggression, war, picking up the scriptures, enemy, red color, anger, conspiracy, disease, accident, heat, wound, commander, Katuras, organ damage, soil material, land, manhood, spicy food, red chili. It is the planet responsible for honey, red lentils, burnt areas, blood, mechanical engineering, doctors, police, leaders, younger brothers, cousins, scientists, real estate, etc.
Mercury is intelligence, knowledge, logical power, mathematics, writing, business, eloquence, communication ability, new clothes, postman, publication, telephone, accountant, astrologer, banking service, craftsmanship, dance, humility, control of mind, navel, bird, maternal uncle, aunt, sister, twin, vegetation, attraction, friend, skin, nose, throat, lungs, forebrain, etc.
Jupiter is the significator of auspicious deeds, religion, pride, importance, nutrition, education, conception, city, nation, vehicle, seat, position, throne, home happiness, son, teaching, sense of duty, accumulated wealth, epistemology, curd, big body, majesty, fame, logic, astrology, stomach disease, elder brother, elders, senior persons, holy place, gold (golden metal), state honor, charity, guru, charity, fruitful tree, judge, knowledgeable person, religious preacher, counselor, etc.
Venus is the significator of Diamonds, gems, marriage, love affairs, marital happiness, income, woman, sexual pleasure and nature, sourness, flowers, fame, youth, beauty, poetry, vehicle, silver, royal nature, cosmetics business, and song. It is the significator of music, fun, swimming, sensuality, luck, attractive personality, buying and selling cows, aquatic places, worldly pleasures, bright white color, drama, water sports, acting, sperm, sexual diseases, bladder diseases, etc.
Saturn is significator of Age, life, death, misfortune, distress, disrespect, inertia, laziness, disease, poverty, livelihood, immoral and irreligious work, foreign language, teaching of science, slavery, lying, arthritis, old age, nerves, legs, Hard work, wages, illegitimate progeny, lameness, ash, iron, black grains, agricultural employment, business, minerals, oil, things coming out of the depths of the earth, servants, jobs, theft, cruel acts, old people, greed, wandering in vain, wood, lead, dog, buffalo etc.
Rahu planet is the significator of grandfather, harsh speech, lies, gambling, fallacious reasoning, acting, mobility, travels, alien, foreigner, snake bite, theft, wickedness, widow, skin related diseases, itching, eczema, severe pain in the body, swelling in the body, It is the cause of poison, religious pilgrimage, bathing in Ganga, crawling insects, pain in air, respiratory disease, leprosy, incurable diseases etc.
Ketu is the significator of maternal grandfather, truthfulness, salvation, worship of Lord Shiva, doctor, pain, fever, wound, harm to enemy, witchcraft, dog, horned animals, spotted or multicolored birds, thorn, sharp object, flag, colic, renunciation, epidemic. It is the cause of deafness, defective speech, intestinal worms, infectious diseases, etc.
Significator Of 12 Houses

First House/Tanu Bhava
A person’s physical structure, face, personality, good fortune, nature, self-esteem, self-confidence, health, etc. are seen through the first house of the birth chart. The Karaka of the first house is Sun.
Second House/ Dhana Bhava
The second house is also known as the wealth house or family house. Through this, a person’s bank balance, family background, right eye, teeth, tongue, mouth, speech, jewelry, etc. are seen. The lord of this house is Jupiter.
Third House- Parakram Bhava
The third house is also known as Sahaj Bhava/Parakram Bhava/Batri Bhava. Younger brothers and sisters, siblings, relatives, neighbors, right ear, courage, bravery, short distance travels, nervous system, communication, writing, book editing, etc. are seen through this house. The factor of this house is Mars.
Fourth House – Matra Bhava
The fourth house is also known as the mother house. Through this house, mother, peace of mind, vehicle happiness, land, house, immovable property, education, marital happiness, family environment etc. are seen. The Karaka (Karaka) of this house is Moon God.
Fifth House-Putra Bhava
Children, intelligence, love relationships, stomach, past virtues, soul, heart, the standard of living, entertainment, etc. are seen from the fifth house. The lord of this house is Jupiter.
Sixth House-Ripu Bhava
Disease, repayment, debt, dispute, mother-aunt, injury, accident, subordinate employees, service, competition, etc. are seen through the sixth house. The factor of this house is Mars.
Seventh House-Kaltra Bhava
Through the seventh house, life partner, marriage, sexual relations, reputation, desires, sexual power, daily income, the influence of business abroad, urinary diseases, sexual diseases, etc. are seen. The lord of this house is Venus.
Eighth House-Aayu Bhava
The eighth house is of age, type of death, accident, genitals, obstacles, ancestral property, gambling, unearned money, theft, robbery, worry, pension, obstruction, esoteric knowledge, in-laws, prolonged illness, research, etc. Its causative factor is Shani Dev.
Ninth House – Bhagya Bhava
Father, ancestors, DNA, religion, destiny, guru, long journey, foreign travel, religious places, higher education, philosophical knowledge, etc. are seen through the ninth house. The factors of this house are the Sun God and Jupiter God.
Tenth House-Karma Bhava
From the tenth house, a person’s work, business, means of livelihood, fame, respect, success, leadership, high officials, relations with officials, respect from the government, high position etc. are seen. The factors of this house are the Sun, Mercury, Saturn, and Mars.
Eleventh House-Aaya Bhava
Profit, wish fulfillment, elder brother, right ear, charitable institutions, group, social circle, friends, income from influential persons, etc. are seen from the eleventh house. The lord of this house is Jupiter.
Twelfth House- House Of Expenditure/Vyay Bhava
Expenses, loss, jail, investment, hospital expenses, salvation, left eye, charity, deception, settling abroad, sleep, bed pleasure, etc. are seen through the twelfth house. The causative factor of this house is Shani Dev.
Karakat Bhavam-Significator House From Significator Planet
When any significator has to be considered then the planet that is its significator must be considered in relation to its significator house. For example, if you want to think about your father, then you should think about the ninth house from the Sun along with the Sun, which is the significator of your father. If one has to think about the mother, then along with the mother’s significator Moon, the fourth house from the Moon should also be considered. This is also called Karakat Bhavam.
Ninth from Sun – Father (Pitrakaraka)
Third from Mars- Brother (Bhatrikaraka)
Fourth from Moon – Mother (Matrikaraka)
Sixth from Mercury – Uncle
Fifth from Jupiter – Putra (putrakaraka)
Seventh from Venus – Wife (dara karaka)
Eighth from Saturn – Death (Mrityukaraka)